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Kat has been teaching yoga internationally for over 10 years. She has over 900 hours of certifications including: Hatha, Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin, & Kids Yoga.


Her unique experiences include: studying Ashtanga yoga in Mysore, teaching and studying at the Sivananda ashram in south India, working alongside monks in Cambodia , and training new yoga teachers at Himalayan Yoga Bliss in India. 


Kat's vast knowledge of yoga postures and how to adapt them to different bodies, allows her to provide every student with the support they need. Each class has a theme and includes elements of breath, movement and play.



Park Yoga & Wellness - Sherwood Park

See website for details



Oxygen Yoga & Fitness - Sherwood Park

Friday 5:30-6:30pm Yang Yin

Friday 6:45-7:45pm Aromatherapy & Deep Stretch



Private classes:

Direct message me for details regarding private classes for groups or individuals.



Innergy Corporate Yoga

For busy teams and offices. Reduce tension, increase productivity, and save on health care costs with office yoga & wellness programs. Classes are in-person, virtual or a hybrid model. 



"Kat's teachings are gentle, relaxed, inclusive and 

filled with humor."


Conscious Connected Breathwork (CCB) is an experiential field of study and practice that uses a specialized breathing technique, body mapping (using pressure points to release stored tension and emotions) and affirmations. These three elements work together to support all levels of being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. It is a safe, powerful, and gentle breathing practice that releases stress from the body. 


This type of breathwork can be found under other names: Transformational breath, Holotropic breath, Rebirthing. Each technique has unique features, however there are 3 main components that connect them all:


  • Conscious connected breathing: the breath is continuous without pauses between the inhale and the exhale.

  • Diaphragmatic breathing: active inhale (into the belly with relaxed expansion of the chest) and a relaxed exhale (breathing out is a passive movement).

  • Breathing channel: breathe in and out through the same channel (the mouth)


Breathwork oxygenates the blood and increases feelings of alertness in the body. It decreases remuneration, brain fog, and energy blockages. The nature of the breath allows and encourages us to be completely present throughout the experience. By learning to breathe consciously, you may uncover and release limiting beliefs and thought patterns to create a more positive, pleasurable and authentic life. 


Individual & Couples Breathwork at iava wellness

Starting at $200 for 90-120mins



Group Breathwork Journeys at iava wellness

Upcoming dates:   April 6th, May 11th

4:00-6:30pm          $72 per person 


“Instead of trying to feel better, we need to get better at feeling.”  

- Michael Brown


Living a life controlled by food is exhausting. The rules are always changing: eat this, don't eat that, eat at this time, don't eat at that time, eat less, eat more, carbs/no carbs, dairy/no dairy...


For most of my life, I relied heavily on 21 day programs, diets and restrictive eating patterns that were created by someone and else and were 'guaranteed' to fix me. It took me years to realize that 1) I wasn't broken and 2) food is fuel and fuel is necessary for progress.


Total health is the state of complete harmony of body, mind and spirit. 


Finding Food Freedom is about learning to say goodbye to disordered eating so you can nourish yourself on and off the plate. I use an integrative approach to coaching that includes movement, breath and mindfulness tools to help you heal your relationship with food and yourself. 


Each individual has unique needs, so I'll curate a program specifically for you so that you can begin to break free from old patterns that aren't serving you any longer. 


This program works because we go beyond learning and knowing, to experiencing, understanding and integrating.


Over the course of 3 months, you'll learn to trust your intuition around hunger and fullness. I'll support you as you say goodbye to feelings of shame and guilt around eating, so that you can move from restriction to freedom.


Our next intake STARTS: APRIL 15TH, 2024


If you're ready to move from restriction to freedom, reach out and book your consultation call, so we can discuss if working together is a good fit.



"Kat saved my life."

Sylvia K

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